Saturday, October 15, 2011


I really must apologize... I've been positively awful at updating my posts here lately. Really, I don't have much of an excuse. I almost want to say that there's been too much to say and that I've had trouble distilling it all, but really, time has just been flying! I hope to get to say a bit more about all of the incredible things I've been up to, but in the meantime, here's a brief update of some of the things I've been doing. I just started a full time job, which has also taken me away from writing a bit. Hopefully, as I get more used to my new schedule, I'll be able to balance all the work I have to and want to be doing! As for today, it's a gorgeous autumn day in New York. Lucky me, I work right by the High Line (literally steps away!) and so I get to see, what I think, is New York at it's most beautiful. If you haven't been yet, you must visit. Absolutely must! They recently expanded the park and it's more beautiful than ever. And on the rare days that it isn't raining, it's the perfect place to stroll and step away from manhattan's chaos! I hope to take some snapshots of my own soon, but here are some images from the High Line's website. They don't even do the park justice!

Some beautiful brown grasses growing on the side of the path. I love the combination of structure and wildness that is pervasive through the High Line's architecture and landscaping. The combination of constructed elements with the unbridled quality of the plants is just gorgeous!

Another beautiful shot! Expect some images of my own soon!

In other news, I just want to share some other great things I've discovered/ really gotten to explore recently. First off, a gorgeous publication called Kinfolk Magazine. I can't wait to order myself an issue! This self proclaimed "guide for small gatherings" seems to be overflowing with gorgeous ideas, images, and inspiration. Here's a little peek from the magazine's latest issue, posted on their stunning Journal page:

Be sure to check them out!

Also, I recently came back to a blog I had happened upon some time ago, but hadn't had the opportunity to look at in-depth: Lobster & Swan. Not only do they have a perfectly quirky name, the whole blog is filled with gorgeous ideas and photographs. Be sure to take a look here! I'm positively OBSESSED with the items in the most recent October Survival Guide...

Look at the post on Lobster & Swan here.

Alright, alright. This hasn't been the most original post I've done to date. But stay tuned! I'll be posting again soon with some details about some recent festival visits, fall recipes, and more outings and activities! Have a beautiful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have been very busy! Your photos are lovely.

    Good luck on your new job!

